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* Gadutil.library version 37.0 *
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* Copyright © 1994-96 by Staffan Hämälä and P-O Yliniemi *
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GadUtil is another gui library which main goal was to make it easy to create
font sensitive user interfaces. The library has grown away from this main
goal, and become another useful-routine-library.
1) Distribution of this library is allowed in two ways:
¹) Only the .library file(s)
²) The complete distribution
2) Programmers of totally free software can use and distribute this
library for free.
3) Programmers of Shareware, Licensware, commercial products and other
programs that the programmer get any kind of profit from shall send
a fully working (and registered) copy of the program and its docs to
us. All larger updates of the program should also be sent to us.
4) Programmers of non-free software not covered by 1) and 2) (my Diskware
concept belongs to this group) shall be treated as in 3) (a fully
working and registered copy...).
5) All programs (except commercial products in some cases) must state
that gadutil.library is used. This may be done in either the About
requester or in the documentation, but best of all in both places.
Demonstration programs for gadutil.library (that includes the full
source) may be distributed without this note.
Example for inclusion in About requester:
"This program uses gadutil.library, which
is Copyright © 1994-1996 by P-O Yliniemi
and Staffan Hämälä."
6) All localized programs that uses this library should include the
.ct file(s) to allow anyone to translate that program into their
own language.
Below is a list of some of the main functions covered by this library.
WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. NO F*CKING 'C' or any other slow language!
* Font adaptive. Use any of the system fonts and most other fonts for
gadgets, texts and menus. All gadgets are placed relative to each
other, but can be placed at absolute positions (needed for the first
* No need to use GIMMEZEROZERO windows, as this is automatically handled
by the library. If you specify a gadget position of 10,10 the gadget
will be placed at 10,10 within the window's border.
* Localized. It is really easy to localize all your (new) programs by
using this library. Functions and macros for creating localized menus
are supplied.
* Both assembly and 'C' language support. This is one of the things that is
missing in most of the other gui libraries. Some extra macros are defined
for assembly language users, and will make the gadget and menu creating
process even more easy.
* All GadTools gadgets are supported. Some extra functions are provided
for ListViews. BUTTON_KIND (and IMAGE_KIND) gadgets have some extra tags,
including a toggle-select option.
4 extended gadget types are handled by the library:
· FILE_KIND - gadget for selecting a file.
· DRAWER_KIND - gadget for selecting a drawer. Most programs also
use this gadget for file selection.
· IMAGE_KIND - uses an intuition image for the gadget. Can use
different images for selected and non-selected state.
· BEVELBOX_KIND - gadtools bevelboxes, with some extensions. All
gadtools bevelboxes are supported (even with v37).
Extensions allows text to be placed above, in or below
the upper line of the box. All kinds can be inverted.
New for v36.52: Bevelbox text placement extended.
3 new placements available together with the old
ones: centered, left adjusted & right adjusted.
BFT_HORIZBAR - A horizontal shadowed line
BFT_VERTBAR - A vertical shadowed line
This makes it a total of 100 bevel box types. The bevel
boxes are treated as gadgets by the library, and you
can obtain the structure for the bevelbox in the same
way as you get the gadget pointer.
· PROGRESS_KIND - Gadget that shows a progress indicator, like the ones
that can be found in disk-copiers, formatting programs,
install-scripts etc. It's very easy to set the gadget
up, and then updating it via a library function.
* A new OpenFont() (graphics.library and diskfont.library replacement).
This function will open any font (from RAM, ROM or load it from disk).
* Functions for listviews include adding nodes (memory for the string is
allocated by the function), counting nodes, getting node pointers, clearing
a listview, attach and detach lists, moving nodes up and down.
* No need to open gadtools.library anymore, since all gadtools functions are
provided through this library. Some (the most useable) functions from
locale library are also provided by gadutil.
* Many libraries are opened through gadutil.library, and these library bases
are available for your own use (you don't have to open or close some libs).
* All gadgets are created using tag lists. Every next gadget will use the
previous gadgets values as defaults. Only one call to the gadget making
routine is needed for every gadget list.
* All gadgets can have their own hotkey. No extra work is needed by the
programmer (only one extra tag).
* Distributed with lots of examples, mostly in assembly language, but also
in 'C'.
* Other functions include:
· Status change for toggle select buttons.
· String change for STRING and TEXT_KIND gadgets.
· Disable functions for gadgets that support the GA_Disabled tag.
· Routines to set up a busy-pointer (available for both v37 and v39).
These routines also blocks the input to the main window of the program.
· Routine to check if the mouse pointer is within a gadgets box. Useful
for mouse-position sensitive appwindows.
· Bevelbox and window refreshing functions.
WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. NO F*CKING 'C' or any other slow language!
A little of the history behind this program:
Everybody who have tried to do a program with a nice GUI have almost certainly
come across the problem; how to adjust the program based on the font that user
has selected. It began as a little test program that should be able to adjust
itself, but I soon realized that it wasn't that easy (as I had thought).
I was almost finished with a working version of the program when I got some
other programs/libraries that did something similar.
The first program I got was MUI (Magical User Interface). It wasn't that bad,
but it was big (170k) and it was slow.
Another program was gadoutline.library, it wasn't exactly like I would want,
and it was quite big (60k).
Then, I came across the program that I liked the most: GadLayout 1.5. I
changed one of my programs, so that it would use GadLayout, but it didn't
work. I think that the problem was that my assembler didn't work with the
object file for GadLayout (I had never tried that before).
When GadLayout didn't work for me I continued with my own project, but I
changed it a bit, because I liked the way GadLayout used tags. So I changed
my program , so that it used tags instead of my own gadget structure. I also
tried to make the tags work in a similar way as GadLayout's tags, I also used
similar names for the tags (mainly so that I didn't need to change the program
I had adjusted to GadLayout so much.
After that the first beta version of the program was ready, a friend of mine,
P-O, also started working on the project. We decided to make the program into
a shared library, so that all programs could use it without having to include
it in the executable file. The library was named GadUtil.
After that moment the library has grown quite a lot, with new tags, new
functions, a lot of enhancements and bugfixes. Now the library contains about
47 functions, and has quite a lot of tags. Another feature of the library is
that it has some new gadget kinds, like a progress indicator, image gadgets,
drawer gadgets etc. It is also very easy to add hotkeys and localization to
your programs when using gadutil.library.
Special thanx must go to:
· Amiga Inc. / Commodore / Escom / Amiga Technologies / Viscorp
- For making everything possible
· Timothy J. Aston
- For the inspiration, GadLayout 1.5 (a link library for 'C' programmers)
· Nico Max
- For forcing us to release gadutil a bit sooner than it was meant to.
· Lukasz Szelag
- For the first, and the three following bug reports
- For ideas about some new constants for the include files
· Morten Amundsen
- For the suggestion of two new tags (so far)
Per-Olof Yliniemi Staffan Hämälä
Box 78 Pellovägen 268
S-980 61 Tärendö S-957 93 Pello
email: email:
peoyli@pluggnet.se staham@pluggnet.se